QC-121D2 Box Compression Tester
- QC-121D2 is used to test the compression strength of large package materials such as cartons, foam, styrofoam, etc. It can measure capacity and deformation of samples against compression, which is a key point for logistics and warehouse management. QC-121 type machine uses 3-point force measurement, which can increase the accuracy of force sensing. The upper platen can be adjusted to be fixed or swiveled to meet the standard.
- The machine is equipped with standard 7″ color touch display panel. The panel can display the real-time curve graph and relative data simultaneously. The optional dedicated software can analyze, export reports and manage data.
- Download the cataloge: https://www.come-tech.com.tw/en/pdf/4092
Conform to Standards
- ASTM D4169
- ASTM D642
- ISO 12048
- ISO 2872
- DIN 55440-1
- GB/T T4857-4
- GB/T 16491
- JIS Z0403-2
- TAPPI T804
Paper, Food, Beverage, Package
ASTM D642、TAPPI 804 Box Compression test
Portable Printer (Optional)
Able to print out test results with stand-alone operation mode.

Display (optional)
- 7″ color touch TFT display panel is used
- Chinese, English, Japanese are supported
- Displays force, pressure, displacement and time
- Supports test speed, direction, auto-return, stop at the break point as test conditions
- Can analyze max. force, interval force, force at break point, and so on
- Can calibrate with stand-alone mode
- Provides multiple stop condition settings including force, displacement, and time
- Restore the machine to factory setting is available
- Can choose hardware, test, units, data, protection, curve settings.
- Supports switching between Metric and Imperial units
- Supports over travel, overload, overtime stop protection settings
- Can save up to 50 test results; it also supports saving to USB

Software functions
- The data sampling rate is up to 1200 Hz..
- Analyze data.
- Windows system required.
- Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, Spanish are available.
- Operation Mode: TCP/IP two-way transmission to connect with PC.
- Can import multiple test data and display at the same time.
- Supports Metric and Imperial units switching.
- Provides a flexible table for data analysis.
- Can name the data results.
- Data can be shown through the table, graph, or both.
- Data processing: save, import, list, statistical comparison, and so on.
- The X-Y axis of the graph can be set as force, elongation, displacement, time, stress, strain, and so on.
- Compression test is available.
- Supports over travel, overload, over time stop conditions as machine protection.
- Can export test reports
- Supports multiple analysis including Max. force, Max. displacement, and so on